2007 Archives by thread
Starting: Tue Jan 2 00:11:56 CST 2007
Ending: Fri Dec 28 08:56:04 CST 2007
Messages: 1371
- [reSIProcate] Multiple handles for same session
Nilay Tripathi
- [reSIProcate] Exclusion of Repro
Jerry Richards
- [reSIProcate] Extreme link problem
Dave Mason
- [reSIProcate] Stop registering
Dmytro Bogovych
- [reSIProcate] Accept Offer (200OK)
pawan.narula at masconit.com
- [reSIProcate] Receiving response to CANCEL, using DUM
David Hogan
- [reSIProcate] How could persistent subscriptions be implemented?
Enrik Berkhan
- [reSIProcate] DUM test fails
victor morales
- [reSIProcate] How to define a new content type?
victor morales
- [reSIProcate] How do I get the Caller ID string?
Richard Stellingwerff
- [reSIProcate] Resiprocate having trouble parsing this (legal) SDP
Shaun Dawson
- [reSIProcate] When should ClientSubsriptionHandle become invalid?
Kobi Eshun
- [reSIProcate] FOSDEM - Brussels, February
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Out of dialog processing of MESSAGE method
victor morales
- [reSIProcate] DUM Auth
Roee Vulkan
- [reSIProcate] Bugs in SharedPtr and SharedCount of ReSip1.0 when using libCstd compiling(not libstlport4) on SOLARIS
- [reSIProcate] about repro
- [reSIProcate] Ran out of dns entries
- [reSIProcate] avoid dynamic_cast!
- [reSIProcate] question about DNS time to live (TTL)
Dave Mason
- [reSIProcate] how to implement DnsInterface without making it a new thread?
Dave Mason
- [reSIProcate] Altering BYE in DUM onTerminated
Dan Weber
- [reSIProcate] Question about Record-Route headers on re-Invite
Kovar, William (Bill)
- [reSIProcate] resiprocate SipSDP cannot parse a=AS:-1
Yuan, Frank
- [reSIProcate] Transport::stampReceived and sorce port
Arthur Moroz
- [reSIProcate] Updated Contact header in NOTIFY changes request uri in SUBSCRIBE dialogs
Jeremy Geras
- [reSIProcate] getting the auth used for accepting an invite
Justin Matthews
- [reSIProcate] thread safe
Kovar, William (Bill)
- [reSIProcate] build challenge (407) after requiresChallenge() in DUM
Justin Matthews
- [reSIProcate] RegistrationPersistenceManager
Matthias Moetje
- [reSIProcate] Crash in ares on deleting SipStack
Steven Coule
- [reSIProcate] Minor Makefile issues
Enrik Berkhan
- [reSIProcate] Using RRCache from DnsInterface
Dave Mason
- [reSIProcate] Session destroyed while in OnTerminated(..)
Kovar, William (Bill)
- [reSIProcate] Resiprocate Footprint
Jerry Richards
- [reSIProcate] qop Parameter Parsing
Matthias Moetje
- [reSIProcate] stack crashes on windows XP
Hagai Sela (TA)
- [reSIProcate] DNS performance tuning
Dave Mason
- [reSIProcate] SIP development :some help ...
Toni Menendez Lopez
- [reSIProcate] assert in sendToWire
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] OnReferAccepted() called when SipFrag contain 408
Kovar, William (Bill)
- [reSIProcate] Creating a DUM with automatic port?
Bradley Gorman
- [reSIProcate] Sending CANCEL to Callee has Transaction Error - (TId not found)
Pawan N
- [reSIProcate] process NOTIFY
Raghavendra V R
- [reSIProcate] [PATCH] Empty PUBLISH body if there is a pending publish
Aron Rosenberg
- [reSIProcate] [PATCH] Remove Win32 Visual Studio ATL dependency
Aron Rosenberg
- [reSIProcate] [PATCH] Add more and better salt values to callid computation
Aron Rosenberg
- [reSIProcate] [PATCH] reSUBSCRIBE will fail if the server fails to send NOTIFY
Aron Rosenberg
- [reSIProcate] timeout after SIP connection is lost?
Richard Stellingwerff
- [reSIProcate] Gearing up for resiprocate-1.1 release
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] Online Documentation link not available
Aron Rosenberg
- [reSIProcate] no early media event received on 18x responses with no to tag
Hagai Sela (TA)
- [reSIProcate] how to start
mehul shah
- [reSIProcate] Sending INVITE without SDP
Nicolas LEGROS
- [reSIProcate] UAS PRACK implementation?
Martin Barta
- [reSIProcate] Packet Fragmentation Issues, MTU and UDP
Aron Rosenberg
- [reSIProcate] [PATCH] (Mac platform) Getting DNS servers from system and no network connectivity assert
Van c. Nguyen
- [reSIProcate] why can't I check out code with svn?
- [reSIProcate] Carrier Grade Resiprocate?
Ian McLauchlan
- [reSIProcate] reSIProcate at FOSDEM - Debian devroom
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Tags from Vias
Dan Weber
- [reSIProcate] What is the difference between PlainContents and GenericContents classes ?
priya g. ranjan
- [reSIProcate] resiprocate-devel Digest, Vol 33, Issue 25
- [reSIProcate] Open issues for 1.1 release
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] Documentation push
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] SdpContents::getBodyData() returns stack pointer
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] Revisiting parse code for DateCategory
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] Eventdriven TransactionUser
Brekke, Tor
- [reSIProcate] Searching the Mailing List Archives
Diego Susa
- [reSIProcate] custom transport that does not use stack
Neal Sidhwaney
- [reSIProcate] ACK relay question
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] Copyrights
- [reSIProcate] Help on DumCommand - post() failing in DUM::internalProcess()
Kovar, William (Bill)
- [reSIProcate] add transport with ip address
- [reSIProcate] why different between send 200 OK message and refer message in the Via header
- [reSIProcate] DUM Dialog.cxx Erro Code
- [reSIProcate] VS2005 for PocketPC2003 build
Dmytro Bogovych
- [reSIProcate] refer with refSub = false still cause ClientSubscriptionHandler be used
- [reSIProcate] Potential bug in TransportSelector
Jason Fischl
- [reSIProcate] Debug WIN32 build of openSSL
Kovar, William (Bill)
- [reSIProcate] Bug in SdpContents encode method
Dave Mak
- [reSIProcate] build broken on OS X
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] does resiprocate support presence service
Su Kerry
- [reSIProcate] re-entrant behaviour
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Open issues remaining for 1.1 release
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] SIPit 20
Robert Sparks
- [reSIProcate] rutil SharedPtr use
- [reSIProcate] Why is my 606 RESPONSE discarded as stray message?
victor morales
- [reSIProcate] Issue calling end() in onNewSession
Jay Hogg
- [reSIProcate] Authentication challenge issue
Niraj Roy
- [reSIProcate] about the invite process
qiu michael
- [reSIProcate] UserProfile Handling
Matthias Moetje
- [reSIProcate] PocketPC build
Dmytro Bogovych
- [reSIProcate] MacOS 10.4.8 / Intel
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Accessing headers on a URI
Will McKinley
- [reSIProcate] DUM crashes in release mode on a valid REGISTER request having non-empty "Contacts" field
Dima Borshevsky
- [reSIProcate] Building a software using Resiprocate
Felipe Louback
- [reSIProcate] DNS greylisting
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] "Undefined symbols" on Mac OS X 10.4.8
Petyo Milotinov
- [reSIProcate] Handling glare conditions in DUM
Kovar, William (Bill)
- [reSIProcate] Realm for the challenge
Arthur Moroz
- [reSIProcate] State of stuff in dtls_wrapper
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] Full RFC 4474 support?
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] RFC 4566 support
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] Full RFC 3891 support?
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] Full RFC 3892 support?
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] sipdial demo app added to svn
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Full RFC 3840 and 3841 support?
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] resiprocate-1.1-RC1 available!
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] FOSDEM update/report
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Packaging for Debian
Neil McGovern
- [reSIProcate] addTransport and interfaces with equal IP
Fredrik Skoog
- [reSIProcate] Call teardown question
Kovar, William (Bill)
- [reSIProcate] Question about thread-safety in RRVip
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] Sharing DUM State
Nilay Tripathi
- [reSIProcate] Is PCRE project needed for Win32
Kovar, William (Bill)
- [reSIProcate] ergent help with sorted timer
heather jiang
- [reSIProcate] Fwd: please help with sorted timer
heather jiang
- [reSIProcate] tel: URI encoding in HTML
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] DNS blacklist/whitelist problem on resip 1.1 RC1
Kovar, William (Bill)
- [reSIProcate] Probable memory leaks in DialogUsageManager::incomingProcess
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] auth info in BYE same as INVITE 403 / advancedAuthenticateRequest() passes millsecond expires, but compares seconds
Justin Matthews
- [reSIProcate] SipStack not sending the message to correct address
Janari Põld
- [reSIProcate] Getting started
Steve Hanka
- [reSIProcate] reSIProcate Threads
Saurabh Nirkhey
- [reSIProcate] Identifying onTrying() onProvisional(), onNewSession for UAC
Saurabh Nirkhey
- [reSIProcate] Managing authentication in an B2BUA
Tomasz Nowak
- [reSIProcate] Registering as multiple contacts
Greg Inglis
- [reSIProcate] PRACK support in DUM
Rodrigo Alcoberro
- [reSIProcate] Route Set problem with Update in resip 1.1 RC1
Kovar, William (Bill)
- [reSIProcate] Potential memory leak in EncryptionManager::process
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] Getting a segmentation fault in SipMessage destructor
Vinod Kamalaraj
- [reSIProcate] sanityTests: error while loading shared libraries
Capo Don
- [reSIProcate] resiprocate-1.1-RC2
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] Solaris and STL implementations
Bradley Gorman
- [reSIProcate] Sending 183 with offer after an INVITE without offer
- [reSIProcate] List message size
Robert Sparks
- [reSIProcate] Vovida license blocks in Netxx?
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] Stack sends a 400 Bad Request()
Robert Mansfield
- [reSIProcate] Bug in handleBadRequest
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] using certificates in reSIProcate
Zohar Landau (TA)
- [reSIProcate] [ReSIProcate_1.1_RC2] submit a patch for DUM/ClientPublication.cxx
zze-Omnipresence ROUILLIER F ext RD-MAPS-REN
- [reSIProcate] DUM InviteSession state during Re-Invite
Kovar, William (Bill)
- [reSIProcate] Setting SDP Media attributes
Nilay Tripathi
- [reSIProcate] ClientSubscription - onUpdateActive gets called twice and annoying assert
Van c. Nguyen
- [reSIProcate] SUBSCRIBE callback?
Dien Ba Quang
- [reSIProcate] FW: SdpContents::findFirstMatchingCodecs
Robert Mansfield
- [reSIProcate] Any plans on server subscription persistence?
Ronen Babayoff
- [reSIProcate] Making resiprocate work with self signed TLS certificates
Hagai Sela (TA)
- [reSIProcate] Dealing with callback functions?
Dien Ba Quang
- [reSIProcate] 1.1-RC3 out
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] SQL Database
Capo Don
- [reSIProcate] Provisional Response without contact
bruno.andrianasolo at free.fr
- [reSIProcate] 180 Ringing and 200 OK messages with incorrect port?
Dien Ba Quang
- [reSIProcate] memory issues with repro/resip?
Brocha Strous
- [reSIProcate] Problem with DNS and mActiveQueryCount
Fredrik Skoog
- [reSIProcate] stat manager
- [reSIProcate] sending multiple simultaneous outbount invite requests within same dialogset
Justin Matthews
- [reSIProcate] requestline header
heather jiang
- [reSIProcate] resiprocate 1.1 final release this Friday
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] resiprocate stack the performance using TCP or TLS?
Yuan, Frank
- [reSIProcate] Wish to merge some of the changes we made from TelTel client branch
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] resiprocate-1.1 is now available!
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] Using Update for provideOffer()
Kovar, William (Bill)
- [reSIProcate] (no subject)
Gustavo Honorato
- [reSIProcate] multiple instances of resiprocate in repro proxy
- [reSIProcate] Dum shutdown question
Kovar, William (Bill)
- [reSIProcate] (another) blacklist issue on resip 1.1
Tom Joyner
- [reSIProcate] about thread safe of repro!
- [reSIProcate] Terminate all registrations
Boris Rozinov
- [reSIProcate] Register crash after the third time login?
Dien Ba Quang
- [reSIProcate] Accessing the Berkeley Database
Capo Don
- [reSIProcate] build app error with 7051
maodong hu
- [reSIProcate] specifying routes in repro
Capo Don
- [reSIProcate] Why does DUM keep sending SUBSCRIBE messages?
Dien Ba Quang
- [reSIProcate] repro TLS : sending responses
Boris Rozinov
- [reSIProcate] build warnings on FreeBSD 6.1
Alfred E. Heggestad
- [reSIProcate] Fwd: [reSIProcate-commit] resiprocate 7077 nash: inside resip/stack/Transaction::process method contains complex
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] To start with
- [reSIProcate] DUM - Cancelling INVITE if no response ever received
Nash Tsai
- [reSIProcate] about berkeley db thread safe
- [reSIProcate] [reSIProcate-commit] resiprocate 7084 nash: Security.cxx/hxx:
Jason Fischl
- [reSIProcate] Remote-Party-Id Header - Should it be a part of the Stack
Mehul Jain
- [reSIProcate] [reSIProcate-commit] resiprocate 7042 nash: DialogUsageManager:
Derek MacDonald
- [reSIProcate] SDP in ACK after intial offer/answer exchange causes BYE from resip/dum
Justin Matthews
- [reSIProcate] How to implement voice/video phone via resiprocate?
- [reSIProcate] Compile failed
- [reSIProcate] using AppDialogSet
Nilay Tripathi
- [reSIProcate] why reject redirect on in-dialog NOTIFY?
Bruce Lowekamp
- [reSIProcate] Get Headers Value
Gustavo Honorato
- [reSIProcate] Adding a new parameter to a header
Purna Chandar M
- [reSIProcate] Invalid parsing of UnknownHeaders (f.e. added via ExtensionHeader mechanism) with the same prefix
Dmitry Semyonov
- [reSIProcate] Can sip ACK be used for Register response
Yuan, Frank
- [reSIProcate] Resiprocate Client with OpenSER server.....trying to establish TLS connection :- Error when verifying server's chain of certificates: unable to get local issuer certificate
Kundan Kumar
- [reSIProcate] Bugzilla for the resiprocate projects
Robert Sparks
- [reSIProcate] setuid
Ryan Kereliuk
- [reSIProcate] Leaking transactions
Greg Inglis
- [reSIProcate] How to maintain SUBSCRIBE AppDialogSets?
Dien Ba Quang
- [reSIProcate] Problem while establishing TLS connection between Resiprocate Client and OpenSER Server..........................
kapatralla ahmed
- [reSIProcate] Out of Dialog Requests
Dan Weber
- [reSIProcate] Subscription Handler in case of REFER
Nilay Tripathi
- [reSIProcate] Performance of a P2P-over-SIP program using resiprocate
victor morales
- [reSIProcate] CANCEL before provisional recieved.
Volodymyr.Stepanov at aricent.com
- [reSIProcate] Fw: CANCEL before provisional recieved.
Volodymyr.Stepanov at aricent.com
- [reSIProcate] Memory leak when using Protos/Sivus tool
- [reSIProcate] Implementing presence with resiprocate
Gustavo Honorato
- [reSIProcate] Handling notifications using Resiprocate
Subramanian Kasi Subramanian
- [reSIProcate] TLS issues
Hagai Sela (TA)
- [reSIProcate] Compile error during make response for the OPTION request
- [reSIProcate] Fw: Fw: CANCEL before provisional recieved.
Volodymyr.Stepanov at aricent.com
- [reSIProcate] Fw: Fw: Fw: CANCEL before provisional recieved.
Volodymyr.Stepanov at aricent.com
- [reSIProcate] Problem while establishing TLS call between Resiprocate Client using Openser server
Kundan Kumar
- [reSIProcate] RRVIP and white list
kaiduan xie
- [reSIProcate] Show your support for reSIProcate
Robert Sparks
- [reSIProcate] Problem while establishing TLS call between Resiprocate Client using Openser server(Getting 477 send Failed Error)
Kundan Kumar
- [reSIProcate] error: extra semicolon
Alfred E. Heggestad
- [reSIProcate] difference between PUBLISH and notify
Subramanian Kasi Subramanian
- [reSIProcate] Timeout
Gustavo Honorato
- [reSIProcate] segfault in SdpContents::Empty when linking statically
Alfred E. Heggestad
- [reSIProcate] PUBLISH using resiprocate
Subramanian Kasi Subramanian
- [reSIProcate] Fwd: Question with creating PIDF doc
Subramanian Kasi Subramanian
- [reSIProcate] RES: Question with creating PIDF doc
Gustavo Honorato
- [reSIProcate] Add a new parameter, compile erro?Why?
- [reSIProcate] Fixing signed/unsigned conflict in Socket.hxx
Eric Rescorla
- [reSIProcate] SipMessage Question
Subramanian Kasi Subramanian
- [reSIProcate] RPM specfile for resiprocate stack
Alfred E. Heggestad
- [reSIProcate] Handling NOTIFY with Content type: Mulipart/related; type = "application/rlmi+xml"
Subramanian Kasi Subramanian
- [reSIProcate] How to use SipStack within multithread program?
- [reSIProcate] Fw: reject in UAS_Accepted state
Volodymyr.Stepanov at aricent.com
- [reSIProcate] [reSIProcate 1.1 stack]How to use ?
Tuan Viet Nguyen
- [reSIProcate] ClientSubscriptionHandler
Matthias Moetje
- [reSIProcate] onOffer is->accept sends to sender port
Dan Weber
- [reSIProcate] about cisco's NOTIFY
- [reSIProcate] sip stack process CANCEL problem?
- [reSIProcate] ACK not received timer
Volodymyr.Stepanov at aricent.com
- [reSIProcate] Deleting a transport
Purna Chandar M
- [reSIProcate] How to develop UA with Resip?
hui cheng
- [reSIProcate] Assert in DialogSetId, issue with from to tag
Mandeep Ahuja
- [reSIProcate] Sending INVITE transaction response problem
Dan Tifrea
- [reSIProcate] SipStack process CANCEL problem!
- [reSIProcate] Help with list subscriptions and notifications
Subramanian Kasi Subramanian
- [reSIProcate] Threading issues in DUM
Richard Stellingwerff
- [reSIProcate] cross Compile Resiprocate 1.1 problem
- [reSIProcate] blacklisted handling using DUM
Volodymyr.Stepanov at aricent.com
- [reSIProcate] Which RTP stack should I choose?
- [reSIProcate] about "a=x-rtp-session-id"
- [reSIProcate] Memory leaks in SipStack::send(.) and SipStack::post(.) ?
Shaofeng LI
- [reSIProcate] Hello everyone
ilikedoosing at aim.com
- [reSIProcate] UAC PRACK Support
Derek MacDonald
- [reSIProcate] How to tell apart internal message sent by the stack?
Brocha Strous
- [reSIProcate] How to implement Three-way calling and call wait features with Resiprocate
- [reSIProcate] 503 Reason
Volodymyr.Stepanov at aricent.com
- [reSIProcate] Problem in receiving message
Tuan Viet Nguyen
- [reSIProcate] No end-double-quote (RDQUOT) in multi-value fields silently dropped
Van C. Nguyen
- [reSIProcate] repro: memory leak when compiling in VS.2005
Boris Rozinov
- [reSIProcate] resiprocate-1.2 release branch
Van C. Nguyen
- [reSIProcate] Re-invite for a connection?
- [reSIProcate] heads-up: removing Referred-By tag-param
Van C. Nguyen
- [reSIProcate] recommend a c++ library!
- [reSIProcate] How to add t he "Allow" header within the registration message?
- [reSIProcate] User domain and authorization name
- [reSIProcate] Authentication in Resiprocate
Volodymyr.Stepanov at aricent.com
- [reSIProcate] gperf compile problem
maodong hu
- [reSIProcate] RAck not there in PRACK
Nilay Tripathi
- [reSIProcate] repro crash during load test
Mohammed Sameer Momin
- [reSIProcate] Heads up: resiprocate-users mailing list
Robert Sparks
- [reSIProcate] Interpreting REGISTER
Felipe Louback
- [reSIProcate] register problem when transport ip is same as proxy ip
maodong hu
- [reSIProcate] Method converting SipMessage to char*
Tuan Viet Nguyen
- [reSIProcate] Bug in ClientRegistration::removeBinding
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] about Processor::pushAddres(const std::vector<short>& address)
- [reSIProcate] IntergerCategory
Tuan Viet Nguyen
- [reSIProcate] RecursiveMutex for APPLE and INTEL_COMPILER
Bruce Lowekamp
- [reSIProcate] rfc 3311 update in confirmed dialogs
Justin Matthews
- [reSIProcate] mutex in UdpTransport
Jason Fischl
- [reSIProcate] Registration event pkg: XML parsing of NOTIFY body
Purna Chandar M
- [reSIProcate] Accessing a header by name determined at runtime
Matthew Hodgson
- [reSIProcate] about request line of INVITE
- [reSIProcate] ares doesn't send query to DNS servers of other subnets
Van C. Nguyen
- [reSIProcate] DUM and DumShutdownHandler Implementation
Aron Rosenberg
- [reSIProcate] CANCEL and TransactionState
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] How to selectTransactionUser?
- [reSIProcate] Internal 408/503 msg. marked External
Nilay Tripathi
- [reSIProcate] Issues with ClientSubscription issuing local 408 timeouts
Aron Rosenberg
- [reSIProcate] Terminated Subscription
Volodymyr.Stepanov at aricent.com
- [reSIProcate] User Agent Client and Server programs
Gaurav Chandwani
- [reSIProcate] ShutdownHandler and running transactions
Aron Rosenberg
- [reSIProcate] Qop param not double quoted
- [reSIProcate] Query regarding queuing mechanism for NOTIFYs (ClientSubscription)
- [reSIProcate] CANCEL and Early Media
Nilay Tripathi
- [reSIProcate] MWI Subscriptions
Matthias Moetje
- [reSIProcate] Fwd: 180 does not generate call back
maodong hu
- [reSIProcate] [Patch] Fix XCode project file
Aron Rosenberg
- [reSIProcate] What's callback will be fire when UAC received the 100 trying ?
- [reSIProcate] Call disconnect due to re-invite timeout
- [reSIProcate] [PATCH] fix for compiling SipDialer example
Aron Rosenberg
- [reSIProcate] Large patch not being accepted by mailing list.
Aron Rosenberg
- [reSIProcate] [PATCH] test UserAgent references non-existant ClientSubscriptionHandler function
Aron Rosenberg
- [reSIProcate] Get the expires value
Tuan Viet Nguyen
- [reSIProcate] NULL pointer crash in DialogSet::dispatch with mAppDialogSet
Aron Rosenberg
- [reSIProcate] Receiving registration with DUM
Julio Cabezas
- [reSIProcate] Set SDP contents using the method setContents
Tuan Viet Nguyen
- [reSIProcate] Modify the registration timer value
Purna Chandar M
- [reSIProcate] Proxying Registrations with a B2BUA
Julio Cabezas
- [reSIProcate] Endless loop?
David Thompson
- [reSIProcate] Add received parameter to Via field
Tuan Viet Nguyen
- [reSIProcate] [reSiprocate]conflict between 2 files socket.h
tiger king
- [reSIProcate] Fwd: [reSIProcate-users] Issue with ICC 9.0
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] NOTIFY without content-type
Volodymyr.Stepanov at aricent.com
- [reSIProcate] reSIProcate VS 2005 build crash after some time.
- [reSIProcate] Fwd: OnUpdate Active call back doesnt get called with (Content-Type:multipart/related; type="application/rlmi+xml"; )
Subramanian Kasi Subramanian
- [reSIProcate] Authentication failed
- [reSIProcate] http refer
maodong hu
- [reSIProcate] List subsciptions
Subramanian Kasi Subramanian
- [reSIProcate] Parser for rpid,rlmi
Subramanian Kasi Subramanian
- [reSIProcate] terminating a non-responsive or misbehaving dialog/dialogset in DUM
Justin Matthews
- [reSIProcate] Viet sent you a friend request on Tagged...
Viet Nguyen
- [reSIProcate] KeepAlive with iptel.org
Nilay Tripathi
- [reSIProcate] route set when establishing dialog
Jesus Monzon Legido
- [reSIProcate] can resip provide refer with replace callid, not invitesessionhandle?
maodong hu
- [reSIProcate] ParseBuffer::Exception thrown in XMLCursor::firstChild()
David Hogan
- [reSIProcate] PRACK support in 1.1
Volodymyr.Stepanov at aricent.com
- [reSIProcate] Gearing up for 1.2 release
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] Open issues for 1.2 release
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] Fwd: Handling NOTIFY with Content type: Mulipart/related; type = "application/rlmi+xml"
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] sipdial for Mac
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] REFER support in 1.1
Volodymyr.Stepanov at aricent.com
- [reSIProcate] Session Timers bug: refresher="uas" is not respected by InviteSession
Jeremy Geras
- [reSIProcate] getting server status through resiprocate/DUM
Subramanian Kasi Subramanian
- [reSIProcate] [reSIProcate-commit] resiprocate 7261 bcampen: Have LazyParser::isWellFormed catch all exception types.
Jason Fischl
- [reSIProcate] Passing Status Code to main application
Teryl Taylor
- [reSIProcate] DUM: Detecting Stale Re-Invites
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] Asterisk empty `opaque' causes auth exception
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Proxy-Authorization realm
Matthias Moetje
- [reSIProcate] Make system problem
Derek MacDonald
- [reSIProcate] resiprocate-1.2-RC1
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] Best way to handle ServerSubscriptions?
Matthias Moetje
- [reSIProcate] gperf updates? Remove some hackery.
Alan Hawrylyshen
- [reSIProcate] Server outage expected, exact time unknown: Friday (Oct 12)
Philip Kizer
- [reSIProcate] SipStack statistics
Volodymyr Tarasenko
- [reSIProcate] [reSIProcate-users] TCP/TLS question/problem
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] stun client
Nilay Tripathi
- [reSIProcate] STUN Client/Server CheckIn
Matthias Moetje
- [reSIProcate] VS2005 crashing with DUM
Nilay Tripathi
- [reSIProcate] Memory leak when using Asynch challenge decision
Arthur Moroz
- [reSIProcate] DUM process loop crashes on TCP connection close initiated by peer
Shaofeng Li
- [reSIProcate] resiprocate-1.2 final release
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] Resiprocate under Mac OS/X 10.5
Alan Hawrylyshen
- [reSIProcate] SdpContents::Session::Medium::findFirstMatchingCodecs() not parsing RTP-map
Gabriel Hege
- [reSIProcate] Resiprocate Redunancy
Steve Hanka
- [reSIProcate] outbound message decorators
Neal Sidhwaney
- [reSIProcate] B2BUA
- [reSIProcate] Issue with contact URI of 200 OK for OPTIONS
- [reSIProcate] releaseContents
Krister Jarl
- [reSIProcate] assertion: "DUM let me send a BYE at an incorrect state"
Boris Rozinov
- [reSIProcate] problem with local DNS server
Brocha Strous
- [reSIProcate] prack sent in response to provisional even if prack support is disabled
Justin Matthews
- [reSIProcate] handling requestOffer and provideOffer when waiting for ACK (SentReinviteAnswered session state)
Boris Rozinov
- [reSIProcate] Bug in DnsUtil::getInterfaces
Johannes Dohmen
- [reSIProcate] Bug in DnsUtil::getInterfaces (Patch)
Johannes Dohmen
- [reSIProcate] How to send this message?
- [reSIProcate] about handle
- [reSIProcate] is Via header necessary in REGISTER?
- [reSIProcate] About the onNewSession
- [reSIProcate] Datatype Misalignment exception in resiprocate.lib on a PocketPC device
kvl rr
- [reSIProcate] rtp ringing
David Thompson
- [reSIProcate] resiprocate 1.2.1 release
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] how to parser Proprietary SIP Headers
maodong hu
- [reSIProcate] ACK retransmission
Boris Rozinov
- [reSIProcate] resiprocate 1.2.1 is now available
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] [PATCH] Visual Studio 2008
Aron Rosenberg
- [reSIProcate] Segment Fault sometimes on CentOS 4.2
maodong hu
- [reSIProcate] Can't linked to reSIProcate 1.2.1
- [reSIProcate] About onOfferAccept and onOfferReject callback
- [reSIProcate] 1.2.2 is now available
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] multipart mime
Jason Fischl
- [reSIProcate] Resgistartion and Subscription refresh
Subramanian Kasi Subramanian
- [reSIProcate] Redirect Handler DUM
Subramanian Kasi Subramanian
- [reSIProcate] About the OPTIONS
- [reSIProcate] About the ACK
- [reSIProcate] About the incoming all without SDP
- [reSIProcate] Patch to fixup XCode project for 1.2
Kobi Eshun
- [reSIProcate] *** glibc detected *** corrupted double-linked list
Vavilapalli Srikanth-A19563
- [reSIProcate] Answer the re-Invite failure
- [reSIProcate] When need to call ClientPagerMessage::end() ?
- [reSIProcate] Privacy header parsing
Robert Mansfield
- [reSIProcate] Patches to main HEAD to build on Visual Studio 2005
David Suh
- [reSIProcate] How to got the Refer-To header value?
- [reSIProcate] Answer REFER failed, it's DUM bug ?
- [reSIProcate] DialogSetID is not same between onNewSession and onRefer
- [reSIProcate] Blacklist result to DNS lookup causes 503 response to be sent to ACK
Robert Mansfield
- [reSIProcate] How to terminate a call when received 200 OK ?
- [reSIProcate] Do you have a complete guide for getting started on developing resiprocate under Windows XP?
alexzhang at gdnt.com.cn
- [reSIProcate] How the UAC reacts to the 200OK(invite) prior to sending the PRACK for the 18x response?
alexzhang at gdnt.com.cn
Last message date:
Fri Dec 28 08:56:04 CST 2007
Archived on: Fri Sep 18 10:02:09 CDT 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).