[reSIProcate] Open issues remaining for 1.1 release
Byron Campen
bcampen at estacado.net
Wed Feb 21 17:25:44 CST 2007
Well, looking at this, there is still a fair amount of code that
uses the Pidf stuff. limpc, for example, relies on this code. There
are a bunch of test-cases that use Pidf as well. I do not think I am
prepared to toss all this stuff out for this release.
Best regards,
Byron Campen
> With respect to old issue E(XML parsing support for XML)
> I think since RPID support is becoming more common, now is the time
> to deprecate our XML parsing in resip. We can:
> 1. make it a configure option, which doesn't rwork well for windows/
> mac project files and not use PidfContents in tests
> 2. completely remove PidfContents from resip & all XML parsing
> code. I have had several bad product builds resulting from the
> accidental inclusion of Pidf.cxx: "I put it in the solution, it was
> in the resip directory...." is the usual quote.
> Personally, I vote for #2.
> -Derek
> On 2/12/07, Byron Campen <bcampen at estacado.net> wrote:
> Here's the current rundown...
> New open issues.
> New issues with some work remaining:
> 1. Dealing with quoted qop (see [reSIProcate] qop Parameter
> Parsing) (working)
> 3. Problem with SharedPtr on Solaris ( see [reSIProcate] Bugs in
> SharedPtr and SharedCount of ReSip1.0 when using libCstd compiling
> (not libstlport4) on SOLARIS ) (unknown, probably standards-
> compliance issue in libCstd)
> 6. API problem in SipStack::addTransport() (see [reSIProcate]
> Creating a DUM with automatic port? ) (offending default port
> removed, might be nice to have the ability to tell the stack to
> open a transport on an ephemeral port)
> 9. install target issues with dum and stack ( see [reSIProcate]
> Minor Makefile issues ) (patch applied, have not fixed install path
> for ares)
> 10. Possible heap corruption on deletion of SipStack ( see
> [reSIProcate] Crash in ares on deleting SipStack ) (following up on
> list, probably a link error)
> 16. Update license blocks. (see [reSIProcate] Copyrights)
> Solved:
> 5. Empty contents problem in client publish code in DUM ( see
> [reSIProcate] [PATCH] Empty PUBLISH body if there is a pending
> publish ) (resolved, patch applied)
> 7. V6 address storage problem in Tuple (see [reSIProcate] IPv6
> address in Via header gets its lower order bits chopped off (Win32
> platform)) (resolved, patch was applied)
> 8. Possible problem in SdpContents::getBodyData() ( see
> [reSIProcate] SdpContents::getBodyData() returns stack pointer )
> (resolved, third-party problem)
> 12. Possible failure in DUM unit test ( see [reSIProcate] DUM test
> fails ) (resolved)
> 13. Problem with merged-request detection in DUM (see [reSIProcate]
> Call routed back to reSIProcate by SipX PBX after 302 temp moved .)
> (resolved)
> 14. Shared library build broken on x86_64 ( see [reSIProcate]
> building shared libraries on AMD64) (fixed, backported)
> 15. Problems with unsolicited NOTIFY in DUM ( see [reSIProcate]
> refer with refSub = false stillcauseClientSubscriptionHandler be
> used ) (fixed, backported)
> 17. configure script error on Ubuntu ( see Re: [reSIProcate] Open
> issues for 1.1 release) (fixed, backported)
> 18. repro/debian/patches, does this still belong here?( see Re:
> [reSIProcate] Open issues for 1.1 release)
> 19. Symlinks to binaries are no longer created. (fixed, backported)
> 20. Build is hosed on OS X (fixed, backported)
> 21. The "u=" is not encoded before the Uri of description in
> SdpContents::Session::encode() (see [reSIProcate] Bug in
> SdpContents encode method) (fixed, backported)
> Old open issues:
> A. URI parsing bug in XMLCursor???
> B. Not using PrivateKey pass phrases at all. All private keys
> must be
> unencrypted on the disk.
> C. Change to DateCategory to make is more compatible with other
> implementations. (slight problem, needs discussion: see
> [reSIProcate] Revisiting parse code for DateCategory)
> D. Parser validation issues from Kayote. (Contact * can be allowed in
> any Nameaddr) (needs discussion)
> E. PIDF XML parsing support for XML namespaces - The patch was not
> applied, not addressed. Derek says we may want to deprecate our XML
> parsing stuff; this will end up making A moot as well. (If the
> decision is to deprecate, lets go ahead and do it already.)
> F. No support for /etc/hosts file
> H. Maybe having a ThreadIf::detach() would be nice. Not addressed, or
> discussed. (see [reSIProcate] adding detach to ThreadIf )
> I would like to have a release candidate by next Wednesday. This
> should not be hard to do, I think. At this point, I'd like everyone
> who has done significant work since the last release to mail me a
> list of what they have done, so we can make the release-notes.
> Best regards,
> Byron Campen
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