[reSIProcate] MacOS 10.4.8 / Intel

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Thu Feb 15 13:34:13 CST 2007

	The shared library build for OS X is non-existent. (We'd need to  
implement a .dylib build, which we don't have right now)

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> I've been helping someone trial reSIProcate on his Mac, for the  
> purpose
> of linking SIP support into another great open source application.
> He's got an Intel based Mac, with OS 10.4.8.
> The static libraries build and the shared libraries don't.  Has anyone
> else done much work with this platform, and should the shared  
> libraries
> work?  I won't have access to the machine until FOSDEM (24 Feb),  
> but I'd
> like to get some idea of what to expect before I start pulling my  
> hair out.
> Regards,
> Daniel
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