[reSIProcate] Passing Status Code to main application

Scott Godin slgodin at icescape.com
Thu Sep 27 14:08:24 CDT 2007

You should register an InviteSessionHandler - you will get callbacks on
this that contain the entire SIP message.  You can get info like status
codes from these messages.  Check out dum/test/UserAgent.cxx and
dum/test/BasicCall.cxx for examples.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at resiprocate.org [mailto:resiprocate-
> devel-bounces at resiprocate.org] On Behalf Of Teryl Taylor
> Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2007 3:02 PM
> To: resiprocate-devel at list.resiprocate.org
> Subject: [reSIProcate] Passing Status Code to main application
> Hi everyone,
> I'm currently using resiprocate and DUM to develop a combination UAS
> and UAC
> SIP stack.  I want the sip stack to be able to receive an invite and
> alert
> the main application that an invite has arrived so that the
> can
> take the incoming invite and forward it on - hence creating 2 call
> (incoming and outgoing).  Then, forward each response message from the
> first
> call leg to the other (similar to a proxy).   The application is able
> to
> keep track of the client and the server side sessions because it
> receives
> both a client and a server object which contain the
> ClientInviteSessionHandle, the ServerInviteSessionHandle and an
> application
> specific DialogSet object.
> My question is, what is the best way to pass the SIP message codes up
> to the
> application main thread?  (i.e. how would I pass the 180 message I
> receive
> from the second call leg up to the application so it could forward it
> on to
> the first call leg?).    I was thinking of maybe sticking a Status
> variable in the application's subclass of the AppDialogSet object and
> changing that in the SIP events that are received through DUM.  But I
> think
> that might be error proned if 2 messages come in back to back.  Is
> there any
> way to get the message status code through the invite session handle?
> Thanks,
> Teryl
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