[reSIProcate] VS2005 crashing with DUM

Nilay Tripathi nilay.linux at gmail.com
Fri Oct 19 02:34:31 CDT 2007


I am trying to make resiprocate run on Windows and it crashes on receiving
first 401 response for the REGISTER sent out.

On debugging I reached into handledByAuthOrRedirect( ) in
On mDum.mClientAuthManager->handle(...) call, it just skips it (which it
should not). It doesn't even go inside handle function and then the VS pops
up an Exception and then a CRASH.

There seems to be some problem with auto_ptr thing. Has anybody encountered
such problem?
Would really appreciate any inputs on this!

I am running VS2005 Prof. (SP1) on Win XP.

Thanks & Regards,
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