[reSIProcate] Leaking transactions

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Thu May 3 10:48:46 CDT 2007

	Well, that isn't exactly the case. For endpoints, we tear down the  
transaction when the _user_ decides to stop pursuing it. For proxies,  
we use Timer C. There is no defined mechanism for B2BUAs, but I would  
expect that something like Timer C could be used.

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> Yes, this is a bug in resiprocate, and a bug in rfc 3261. Same  
> thing happens for UAS INVITE transaction.
> kaiduan
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Greg Inglis <Greg.Inglis at TelephoneticsVIP.co.uk>
> To: resiprocate-devel at list.resiprocate.org
> Sent: Thursday, May 3, 2007 6:13:47 AM
> Subject: [reSIProcate] Leaking transactions
> Hi there,
> I am getting a memory leak in my application when I end my UAC  
> session while the session is in a 'UAC_Early' state
> i.e. I've got a '180 Ringing' from the remote UAS endpoint but I  
> haven't received a '200 OK' as yet.
> I'm getting the following statistics message from the stack  
> afterwards:
> Transaction summary: reqi 0 reqo 6 rspi 8 rspo 0
> Details: INVi 0/S0/F0 INVo 2/S0/F1 ACKi 0 ACKo 1 BYEi 0/S0/F0 BYEo  
> 1/S1/F0 CANi 0/S0/F0 CANo 0/S0/F0 MSGi 0/S0/F0 MSGo 0/S0/F0 OPTi 0/ 
> S0/F0 OPTo 0/S0/F0 REGi 0/S0/F0 REGo 2/S1/F1 PUBi 0/S0/F0 PUBo 0/S0/ 
> F0 SUBi 0/S0/F0 SUBo 0/S0/F0 NOTi 0/S0/F0 NOTo 0/S0/F0
> Retransmissions: INVx 0 BYEx 0 CANx 0 MSGx 0 OPTx 0 REGx 0 finx 0  
> nonx 0 PUBx 0 SUBx 0 NOTx 0
> The 'CLIENTTX 1' in the TU summary doesn't go away no matter how  
> long I wait - I assume this means a transaction has leaked somehow?
> I am ending the session by calling ClientInviteSession::end() and  
> subsequently calling process() on the stack and DUM - is there some  
> step I am missing here?
> I'm using reSiprocate 1.1 built on VC8 SP1 and my SIP proxy is  
> asterisk.
> Any help would be appreciated
> Greg Inglis
> Software Engineer
> Telephonetics VIP Ltd
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