[reSIProcate] Bugzilla for the resiprocate projects

Robert Sparks rjsparks at estacado.net
Tue May 1 16:10:16 CDT 2007

There is a bugzilla instance ready for use at

You should be able to log into it with the same credentials you use  
for the wiki or for subversion.

We did have a few issues captured in the jira engine at SIPFoundry (
<http://track.sipfoundry.org/secure/BrowseProjects.jspa>)before we  
moved, but what's there no longer
reflects reality (we were not good at updating it as things got  
fixed). The databases for resip and repro
on that server are going to go away in a few weeks. If you put  
something there that you want to keep,
move it into our bugzilla instance.

Let me (or Phil) know if you have difficulties,


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