[reSIProcate] sipdial demo app added to svn

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Fri Feb 23 10:46:56 CST 2007

	Should we put this in 1.1? I wanted to drop our first release  
candidate tonight, so coincide with FOSDEM, so would it make sense to  
package this in too (since it is similarly timed?)

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> I've just added my SIP dialer demo app to svn under apps/sipdial - it
> allows you to force your IP phone to dial a SIP URI or tel: URI.   
> It links
> to Mozilla/Firefox and other desktop apps through gconf, and it can be
> linked into other applications too.
> I'll be using this as part of the presentation at FOSDEM tommorrow.
> If anyone sees anything wrong with it, please let me know.
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