[reSIProcate] Open issues remaining for 1.1 release

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Mon Feb 12 10:32:42 CST 2007

	Here's the current rundown...

New open issues.

New issues with some work remaining:
1. Dealing with quoted qop (see [reSIProcate] qop Parameter Parsing)  
3. Problem with SharedPtr on Solaris ( see [reSIProcate] Bugs in  
SharedPtr and SharedCount of ReSip1.0 when using libCstd compiling 
(not libstlport4) on SOLARIS ) (unknown, probably standards- 
compliance issue in libCstd)
6. API problem in SipStack::addTransport() (see [reSIProcate]  
Creating a DUM with automatic port? ) (offending default port  
removed, might be nice to have the ability to tell the stack to open  
a transport on an ephemeral port)
9. install target issues with dum and stack ( see [reSIProcate] Minor  
Makefile issues ) (patch applied, have not fixed install path for ares)
10. Possible heap corruption on deletion of SipStack ( see  
[reSIProcate] Crash in ares on deleting SipStack ) (following up on  
list, probably a link error)
16. Update license blocks. (see [reSIProcate] Copyrights)

5. Empty contents problem in client publish code in DUM ( see  
[reSIProcate] [PATCH] Empty PUBLISH body if there is a pending  
publish ) (resolved, patch applied)
7. V6 address storage problem in Tuple (see [reSIProcate] IPv6  
address in Via header gets its lower order bits chopped off (Win32  
platform)) (resolved, patch was applied)
8. Possible problem in SdpContents::getBodyData() ( see [reSIProcate]  
SdpContents::getBodyData() returns stack pointer ) (resolved, third- 
party problem)
12. Possible failure in DUM unit test ( see [reSIProcate] DUM test  
fails ) (resolved)
13. Problem with merged-request detection in DUM (see [reSIProcate]  
Call routed back to reSIProcate by SipX PBX after 302 temp moved .)  
14. Shared library build broken on x86_64 ( see [reSIProcate]  
building shared libraries on AMD64) (fixed, backported)
15. Problems with unsolicited NOTIFY in DUM ( see [reSIProcate] refer  
with refSub = false stillcauseClientSubscriptionHandler be used )  
(fixed, backported)
17. configure script error on Ubuntu ( see Re: [reSIProcate] Open  
issues for 1.1 release) (fixed, backported)
18. repro/debian/patches, does this still belong here?( see Re:  
[reSIProcate] Open issues for 1.1 release)
19. Symlinks to binaries are no longer created. (fixed, backported)
20. Build is hosed on OS X (fixed, backported)
21. The "u=" is not encoded before the Uri of description in  
SdpContents::Session::encode() (see [reSIProcate] Bug in SdpContents  
encode method) (fixed, backported)

Old open issues:
A.  URI parsing bug in XMLCursor???
B.  Not using PrivateKey pass phrases at all.  All private keys must be
unencrypted on the disk.
C.  Change to DateCategory to make is more compatible with other
implementations.  (slight problem, needs discussion: see  
[reSIProcate] Revisiting parse code for DateCategory)
D. Parser validation issues from Kayote. (Contact * can be allowed in
any Nameaddr) (needs discussion)
E. PIDF XML parsing support for XML namespaces - The patch was not
applied, not addressed. Derek says we may want to deprecate our XML
parsing stuff; this will end up making A moot as well. (If the  
decision is to deprecate, lets go ahead and do it already.)
F. No support for /etc/hosts file
H. Maybe having a ThreadIf::detach() would be nice. Not addressed, or
discussed. (see [reSIProcate] adding detach to ThreadIf )

	I would like to have a release candidate by next Wednesday. This  
should not be hard to do, I think. At this point, I'd like everyone  
who has done significant work since the last release to mail me a  
list of what they have done, so we can make the release-notes.

Best regards,
Byron Campen

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