[reSIProcate] Issue calling end() in onNewSession

Jay Hogg jay at 2imagineit.net
Wed Feb 14 22:32:08 CST 2007

For some testing I'm doing I want to terminate a dialog on the first
non-100 message I receive, to accomplish this I put a cis->end() in the
onNewSession handler for client invite sessions.

When a 18x message is received I see the BYE message generated (when in
debug) immediately followed by a segment violation.

>From everything I've read on the list I should be able to call end() at
any time once the dialog is created and the appropriate message will be
generated/deferred as necessary. I was also surprised to see BYE instead
of CANCEL since the dialog is not connected.

Linux, svn head, dum/test/BasicCall.cxx - simply add a variable to
ClientInviteSession and cis->end() to see it. I can provide logs if

Did I miss something in how I should handle an immediate termination?


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