[reSIProcate] Endless loop?

David Thompson mrdatman at gmail.com
Fri Aug 3 10:33:00 CDT 2007

I could be mistaken but I believe the following code in InviteSession.cxx
will create an endless loop.


I believe we meant to say mInviteSession.refer(mReferTo, mReferSub). 


Currently this would continue to call itself by posting this message into
the fifo an endless number of times.


Let me know if I am mistaken.






InviteSession::referCommand(const NameAddr& referTo, bool referSub)


   mDum.post(new InviteSessionReferCommand(*this, referTo, referSub));



class InviteSessionReferCommand : public DumCommandAdapter



   InviteSessionReferCommand(InviteSession& inviteSession, const NameAddr&
referTo, bool referSub)

      : mInviteSession(inviteSession),







   virtual void executeCommand()


      mInviteSession.referCommand(mReferTo, mReferSub);



   virtual std::ostream& encodeBrief(std::ostream& strm) const


      return strm << "InviteSessionReferCommand";




   InviteSession& mInviteSession;

   NameAddr mReferTo;

   bool mReferSub;


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