[reSIProcate] PocketPC build
Dmytro Bogovych
subscribe at satorilight.com
Thu Feb 15 13:13:15 CST 2007
I tried to get custom user agent to work on PocketPC 2003 platform using
VC++ 2005.
I found the compiled (under PPC2003) user agent is very unstable.
I made the minimal application with the TransactionUser ancestor - it gives
access violation error on deleting the instance of this ancestor.
The code:
#include <resip/stack/TransactionUser.hxx>
using namespace resip;
class MyTransactionUser:public TransactionUser
virtual const Data& name() const;
virtual ~MyTransactionUser();
const Data& MyTransactionUser::name() const
static Data mtunm("MyTransactionUser");
return mtunm;
#define MAX_LOADSTRING 100
// Global Variables:
HINSTANCE g_hInst; // current instance
HWND g_hWndMenuBar; // menu bar handle
// Forward declarations of functions included in this code module:
It is usual empty PocketPC2003 application created by VC++ 2005 wizard.
It creates the instance of MyTransactionUser on WM_CREATE and deletes on
The project is available here: http://satorilight.com/mintest.zip
Please may anyone familiar with resip on WindowsCE project to check this
Or tell about success in building of resiprocate applications for
With best regards,
Dmytro Bogovych
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