[reSIProcate] Handling notifications using Resiprocate

Dien Ba Quang dienbaquang at gmail.com
Wed May 9 17:06:53 CDT 2007

You could use Subscription handler and Subscription Callbacks to handle the
presence messages; and PagerMessageHandler to handle the IM messages.


On 5/8/07, Subramanian Kasi Subramanian <subbu.subramanian at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi
>    I'am trying to exhange presence information with a SIP enabled presence
> Server. I have managed to send the SUBSCIRBE messages for presence
> information to the server for the requested contact. I also see that I'am
> recieving NOTIFICATIONS (when I see the incoming SIP Packets) but I'am
> unable to handle these notification messages. Can someone direct me as to
> how I can handle incoming Messages- both plaintext(IM) and
> pidf+xml(presence).
> Thank you
> Subbu
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