[reSIProcate] Accessing headers on a URI

Robert Sparks rjsparks at nostrum.com
Fri Feb 16 10:31:49 CST 2007

Will -

If you see a place to make clarifying nudges on the wiki to help the  
next person that runs into this, please add them.



On Feb 16, 2007, at 10:02 AM, Byron Campen wrote:

> 	You'll use the usual SipMessage::header accessor. I know this is  
> really heavy for just holding onto a single header-field-value, but  
> right now there is no way to conveniently extract the "I hold  
> header-field-values" functionality from SipMessage (as opposed to  
> the "I hold transport information" and "I hold a payload"  
> functionality).
> Best regards,
> Byron Campen
>> Sorry to be a pest, but then what accessor on the SipMessage do I  
>> use to get
>> to the hname/hvalue.  The header accessor doesn't seem appropriate  
>> so I'm
>> just wondering.
>> Thanks again.
>> On 2/16/07 10:53 AM, "Byron Campen" <bcampen at estacado.net> wrote:
>>> Yeah, that's how it works. Kinda heavy.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Byron Campen
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I just need some clarification on how resip handles headers on a
>>>> Sip URI.  I
>>>> noticed that the documentation pointed to the embedded() method on
>>>> the Uri
>>>> class, but this returns a SipMessage.  This seems to be overkill  
>>>> for a
>>>> hname/hvalue pair.  Is this really the way it works?
>>>> Your help is much appreciated.
>>>> -Will
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