[reSIProcate] Wish to merge some of the changes we made from TelTel client branch

Scott Godin slgodin at icescape.com
Mon Apr 2 08:31:15 CDT 2007

After thinking about this more.  When receiving a re-invite caused by
session timers, you do get an onOffer callback, so it's not really
strange to receive onAckReceived callback later.  I withdraw my comments
about this change.  : )  


> > > 4.  I'm not a big fan of the onAckReceived callback you added -
> since it
> > > will end up getting called for session timer refreshes - if this
> > > something that is required it should be designed a bit better.
> Also, it
> > > conflicts in naming with already existing onConnectedConfirmed
> callback.
> > There is difference between onConnectedConfirmed and onAckReceived,
> as
> > onConnectedConfirmed only get called once when dialog is setting up,
> > but on onAckReceived is triggered upon re-INVITE.
> >
> >
> > [Scott] It's confusing having 2 callbacks for ACKs with different
> names, and the names don't help to differentiate their use.  Also, my
> other point here (about session timers) still applies.
> [Nash] So how do I do get notified when answering 200 OK is Acked or
> not? Obviously the InviteSessionHandler doesn't provide that
> machanism, and since OnAckReceived is new why would ppl using session
> timers care?

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