[reSIProcate] SipStack not sending the message to correct address

Janari Põld janari.pold at proekspert.ee
Mon Mar 5 08:38:08 CST 2007

Thanks, this seems to be working :)
The first test was successful.

Best Regards,
Janari Põld

Byron Campen wrote:
>     You would need to reset the BranchParameter topmost Via of the 
> request.
> (msg.header(h_Vias).front().param(p_branch).reset(), see 
> BranchParameter.hxx line 39)
> Best regards,
> Byron Campen
>> Thanks for the quick reply.
>> What is the correct solution?
>> Should I change the transaction ID every time
>> I resend the invite to another Server?
>> Is there any good solution to generate new
>> transaction ID?
>> Best Regards,
>> Janari Põld
>> Byron Campen wrote:
>>>     Simply changing the Request-Uri on the original request and 
>>> resending is invalid. This is because both requests will have the 
>>> same transaction id. It appears that there is a bug in 
>>> TransactionState::processClientInvite() that will allow 
>>> mMsgToRetransmit to be overridden by any request from the TU, 
>>> regardless of what state the transaction is in (ie, sending a new 
>>> INVITE with the same transaction-id is causing state-corruption in 
>>> the stack). This is what is causing the assert, and this probably 
>>> should be fixed to disallow override of mMsgToRetransmit.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Byron Campen
>>>> Hey,
>>>> I am writing a SIP proxy using resiprocate library.
>>>> The proxy is running on and
>>>> two SIP servers on and
>>>> Following is the scenario that I want.
>>>>   Client         Proxy      Server1      Server2
>>>>     |    INVITE    |           |            |
>>>> 1.  |  ----------> |  INVITE   |            |
>>>> 2.  |              |  -------> |            |
>>>>     |              |    500    |            |
>>>> 3.  |              |  <------- |            |
>>>>     |              |    ACK    |            |
>>>> 4.  |              |  -------> |            |
>>>>     |              |           |  INVITE    |
>>>> 5.  |              |  --------------------> |
>>>>     |            ..........                 |
>>>> Step 1
>>>> Proxy receives invite from client, adds via and record-route
>>>> header and changes the request-uri (sets the Server1 ip address
>>>> in request-uri)
>>>> Step 2
>>>> Proxy sends the invite to Server 1, using method
>>>> sendTo(SipMessage, Uri, TransactionUser) in SipStack.
>>>> Step 3
>>>> Server1 responds with 500
>>>> Step 4
>>>> Proxy (SipStack) sends automatically ACK to Server1.
>>>> Step 5
>>>> During step 1 Proxy saved the received invite into memory and
>>>> now Proxy changes the request-uri (sets the Server2 ip address
>>>> in request-uri). Now if the Proxy tries to send the message to Server2
>>>> using sentTo(SipMessage, Uri, TransactionUser) method, the SIP message
>>>> is actually sent to Server1.
>>>> Why is the stack sending the message to server1??
>>>> The Server1 responds again with 500 and after that the stack gets
>>>> Assertion Failure and the ABORT signal is sent to the proxy 
>>>> application
>>>> and the app shuts down.
>>>> I added code to TransactionState.cxx method
>>>> processClientInvite(resip::TransactionMessage*) to print out
>>>> the msg and mMsgToRetransmit messages. Here is a snippet from the log.
>>>> INFO | 20070302-175232.043 |  |  | RESIP:TRANSACTION | 0 | 
>>>> 3057712048 |
>>>> TransactionState.cxx:797 |
>>>> --------------------------- msg BEG ---------------------------------
>>>> SipResp: 500 tid=4b941154408e538aae1822d1ee5fa4ed cseq=INVITE
>>>> contact= / 1 from(wire)
>>>> --------------------------- msg END ---------------------------------
>>>> INFO | 20070302-175232.043 |  |  | RESIP:TRANSACTION | 0 | 
>>>> 3057712048 |
>>>> TransactionState.cxx:798 |
>>>> --------------------------- mMsgToRetransmit BEG
>>>> ---------------------------------
>>>> SipReq:  INVITE service at
>>>> tid=4b941154408e538aae1822d1ee5fa4ed cseq=INVITE
>>>> contact=sipp at / 1 from(tu)
>>>> --------------------------- mMsgToRetransmit END
>>>> ---------------------------------
>>>> sbcd: TransactionState.cxx:799: void
>>>> resip::TransactionState::processClientInvite(resip::TransactionMessage*): 
>>>> Assertion `mMsgToRetransmit->method() == ACK' failed.
>>>> To conclusion I have a list of servers (Server1 ... ServerN) and 
>>>> the proxy
>>>> should send the received invite to Server1 if the server returns 
>>>> 500 the the
>>>> proxy should send the same INVITE to Server2 and so on, until the 
>>>> proxy gets
>>>> a 200 from ServerX.
>>>> Am I doing something wrong? Or how can I send the same message to 
>>>> another
>>>> ServerX if the Server1 responded with 500.
>>>> Janari Põld
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