[reSIProcate] reSIProcate at FOSDEM - Debian devroom

Daniel Pocock daniel at readytechnology.co.uk
Fri Jan 26 16:03:35 CST 2007

FOSDEM (Brussels, 24 & 25 Feb 2007)


There will be a session in the Debian devroom to discuss `Open Source 
VoIP on Debian'.  The audience at this event is specifically developers 
and users of free/open source software.  Compared to the original 
application for a `lightning talk', the devroom offers more facilities 
for a practical demonstration, and more time (1hr instead of 15 min).

As it is a developers conference, and a devroom, the focus of the 
session will be very much about how to solve two problems: making a VoIP 
application, and adding VoIP features to an existing application.  
reSIProcate (with an emphasis on DUM) will therefore be presented as the 
solution to those two problems. 

Working examples will be presented so that people can go away and start 
linking reSIProcate into their code.

If anyone on this list is planning to come, and has any questions about 
travelling to Brussels or other practical issues, please feel free to 
contact me.

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