[reSIProcate] NULL pointer crash in DialogSet::dispatch with mAppDialogSet

Aron Rosenberg arosenberg at sightspeed.com
Thu Jul 26 11:20:04 CDT 2007

So I have been debugging some resip issues with ClientSubscriptions and
keep getting a NULL pointer crash after I have been sitting at some
breakpoints in the code. The crash occurs in:


DialogSet.cxx line 775

      DebugLog ( << "### Calling CreateAppDialog ###: " << std::endl <<
std::endl <<msg);

--->  AppDialog* appDialog = mAppDialogSet->createAppDialog(msg);

      dialog->mAppDialog = appDialog;

      appDialog->mDialog = dialog;



mAppDialogSet is NULL. The call stack for this crash is as follows:


>          resip::DialogSet::dispatch(const resip::SipMessage &
msg={...})  Line 775 + 0x1c  C++

resip::SipMessage & request={...})  Line 1560   C++

msg={...})  Line 1281 C++

msg={...})  Line 1134   C++

            resip::DialogUsageManager::process()  Line 1300 + 0x49  C++

            SipEP::run()  Line 2404 + 0xb     C++ // Is our thread loop



mState == Established

msg is a NOTIFY


The crash happens after I have requested the ->end() of the
ClientSubscription and a NOTIFY comes in from the wire and I call
rejectUpdate(404) since the user has "ended" the Client Subscription.
Then I usually get a call to onRequestRetry where we return 0. The crash
generally occurs after that. I will try to get a resip debug log up to
the crash.


Does this appear to be a resip issue or are we improperly implementing
our own AppDialog and AppDialogSet instances.






Aron Rosenberg

Founder and CTO

SightSpeed - http://www.sightspeed.com/


918 Parker St, Suite A14

Berkeley, CA 94710


Email: arosenberg at sightspeed.com

Phone: 510-665-2920

Cell: 510-847-7389

Fax: 510-649-9569

SightSpeed Video Link: http://aron.sightspeed.com




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