[reSIProcate] getting server status through resiprocate/DUM

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Wed Sep 26 09:47:41 CDT 2007

	The Dialog should automatically go away once all its Usages have  
gone away. Is that not happening for you? (If it isn't, then it may  
be a bug in DUM.)

	As for messaging, the Client/ServerPagerMessage classes are intended  
to be used to encapsulate a message session (an IM chat). So, you  
send as many messages as you need to (with ClientPagerMessage::page 
()), and when the user is done with the chat, call end() on it.

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> Thanks for your response.
> I have couple of more questions.
>  I try to call dum shutdown and stack shutdown one after another  
> during my application shutdown. When I step through the dum  
> shutdown it looks like I still have some dialog handles open which  
> is why it fails to shutdown. For example there seemed to be pending  
> subscription dialogs so I added a function that basically called end 
> () on all the clientSubscription handles . All that this did was  
> send a subscription with the refresh time set to 0 which ended the  
> subscription but did not delete the dialog. Do you know how I can  
> explicitly delete the dialog. I would need to do this for the  
> publication, registration and subscription dialogs? I bumped into  
> this problem since I noticed my application was leaking memory and  
> also the shutdown callback was not getting called.
> I would also like to know what is the best way to implement  
> messaging in dum. Should I be creating a paging message handle for  
> every message that I send out? This seems to be inline with the  
> fact that the message is a non dialog/session request in SIP.  
> Currently I'am storing these handles if the application user  
> messages a contact before and using the same handle to send the  
> chat message the next time. If this handle is open over time would  
> this cause a handle leak? Which approach do u recommend for chat  
> messages?
> Thanks again
> Subbu
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Scott Godin <slgodin at icescape.com>
> To: Subramanian Kasi Subramanian <subbu.subramanian at yahoo.com>
> Cc: resiprocate-devel at list.resiprocate.org
> Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 7:03:08 AM
> Subject: RE: getting server status through resiprocate/DUM
> To detect a down condition you could send periodic OPTIONS  
> requests.  If all you need is a keep alive, then DUM has a  
> KeepAliveManager you could use.
> From: Subramanian Kasi Subramanian  
> [mailto:subbu.subramanian at yahoo.com]
> Sent: September 25, 2007 8:47 PM
> To: slgodin at icescape.com
> Cc: resiprocate-devel at list.resiprocate.org
> Subject: getting server status through resiprocate/DUM
> Hi
>     Do you know any functionality in resip/DUM which I can use to  
> find out if the presence server is down. I will get a 4xx message  
> in response to my SIP request but I'am looking for some mechanism  
> like heartbeat messages or keep alive that will enable me to decide  
> if the presence server is down.
> Thank you
> Subbu
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> Yahoo! Autos.
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