[reSIProcate] Bug in handleBadRequest

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Tue Mar 13 12:29:10 CDT 2007

	Yeah, I noticed this. I have sent Robert a patch that fixes this  
problem, so he can re-run the test. I don't know if we could be  
having a problem with the Content-Length being wrong though, since  
those errors are accompanied by a logging statement. If the Content- 
Length is malformed, we don't log, but it looks fine.

Best regards,
Byron Campen
> Byron,
> Looking at Roberts problem, I noticed the following – probably why  
> we can’t figure out why the 400.  I suspect the 400 is due to a bad  
> content length – but fixing this will help determine.
> Scott
> error->getReason should read badReg->getReason
> bool
> TransactionState::handleBadRequest(const resip::SipMessage& badReq,  
> TransactionController& controller)
> {
>    assert(badReq.isRequest() && badReq.method() != ACK);
>    try
>    {
>       SipMessage* error = Helper::makeResponse(badReq,400);
>       error->header(h_StatusLine).reason()+="(" + error->getReason 
> () + ")";
>       Tuple target(badReq.getSource());

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