[reSIProcate] Resiprocate Redunancy
Byron Campen
bcampen at estacado.net
Wed Oct 31 14:51:39 CDT 2007
Nope, sorry.
Best regards,
Byron Campen
> Hi,
> We are once again considering SIP stacks for a development project
> and would like to know whether there are mechanisms with
> resiprocate that support serialization of dialog or transaction
> state for use in high-availability environments. We want to have
> an active and standby server pair for failover on hardware failures
> and upgrades. This implies serializing and somehow exchanging
> dialog state between the active and standby machines as
> transactions complete.
> Is there any support for this at present?
> Best Regards,
> Steve Hanka
> UCN Inc.
> Steve.Hanka at ucn.net
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