[reSIProcate] Identifying onTrying() onProvisional(), onNewSession for UAC

Saurabh Nirkhey saurabh at phonologies.com
Wed Mar 7 00:03:43 CST 2007

Hi All,
I am making a UA using DUM.
In case of incoming calls I mantain a map of ServerInviteSessionHandle Vs myCallPointer this lets me
identify the call when the responses come.
But in case of outgoing calls
If I make more than 1 outgoing calls using the following,

dumUac->send(dumUac->makeInviteSession(uasAor, uac.sdp, new testAppDialogSet(*dumUac, "UAC(INVITE)")));

onTrying will be called,which I will be able to identify 
using the AppDialogSetHandle that comes in the onTrying Handler.
But later when i recieve a provisional and  onProvisional() is called it will have only a ClientInviteSessionHandle.
So how can I know that for which of the Outgoing calls this
onProvisional() has been called as I will not already be having this ClientInviteSessionHandle ? 

With Regards,

Saurabh Nirkhey
Systems Software Engineer
saurabh at Phonologies.com

Phonologies (India) Private Limited
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