[reSIProcate] resiprocate 1.2.1 release

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Wed Nov 28 13:03:40 CST 2007

	Well, it looks like I jumped the gun on this one. Several issues  
have cropped up that tell me that the code in this point-release  
simply was not ready.

	I see a couple of ways forward. I prefer yanking the 1.2.1 release,  
yanking the offending code from the release branch, and issuing  
1.2.2. The offending code will go into main, where it can be properly  
peer-reviewed and tested, for a later point release.

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> 	I plan on cutting 1.2.1 at the end of today, unless some show- 
> stopper comes up.
> Best regards,
> Byron Campen
>> 	I've merged the various fixes since 1.2 into the release branch,  
>> and plan to cut 1.2.1 very soon. If I have missed anything,  
>> someone please speak up.
>> Best regards,
>> Byron Campen
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