[reSIProcate] Using RRCache from DnsInterface

Dave Mason Dave.Mason at genband.com
Thu Jan 18 17:00:05 CST 2007


I made some headway today, looks like you just have to instantiate the
RRCache and the DnsStub will use it.  (right?)  The trouble I have now is
that the total time to do a lookup stays the same, and I don't see any
difference in the STACK logs that print out.  I wonder if this is because of
the blacklisting you mentioned in DnsResult::next()?  I'm still on 1.0.2.
If so, could I backport the new DnsResult::next() into 1.0.2?  I tried
picking up the whole latest DnsResult once and it didn't work.


DEBUG | 20070118-161924.289 | dcmlaptop | SmSipMgr | RESIP:DNS | 28591 |
158850 | DnsResult.cxx:1201 | Blacklisting flammajobby.com(1):
WARNING | 20070118-161924.290 | dcmlaptop | SmSipMgr | RESIP:DNS | 28591 |
182419 | dns/RRList.cxx:280 | DNSCACHE: Type=SRV: _sip._udp.flammajobby.com
-> sip1.flammajobby.com:5060 priority=0 weight=1 **blacklisted for

-----Original Message-----
From: Byron Campen [mailto:bcampen at estacado.net] 
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 11:38 AM
To: Dave Mason
Cc: resiprocate-devel at list.resiprocate.org
Subject: Re: [reSIProcate] What does DNS blacklisting mean?

	So, before I took a pickaxe to it, DnsResult::next() would result in
blacklisting the result it had returned previously. I removed this behavior.
Now you need to explicitly tell DnsResult that you wish to blacklist the
last returned tuple. (through DnsResult::blacklistLast (), I think) Check
out the latest revision. (A note: testDns is very different now. It may be
hard to digest.)

Best regards,
Byron Campen

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