[reSIProcate] how to start

Robert Sparks rjsparks at nostrum.com
Thu Jan 25 10:19:25 CST 2007

resiprocate is a stack, not an application. You build things with it,  
you don't run it. You'll want to be sending
messages from your softphone to some application that uses the stack.  
There are some applications in the
repository that you can use as your first steps. I suggest starting  
with repro (which is a proxy/registrar).

You should also uninstall 0.9.0 and go get the most recent release  
from www.resiprocate.org.
0.9.0 is very old and we've fixed a _LOT_ of bugs since then.


On Jan 25, 2007, at 6:18 AM, mehul shah wrote:

> hi friends,
>                              i am developing media server , for  
> that i need a stack that support PBX features . i have installed  
> resiprocate-0.9.0-5019 . Now , i want to test this stack ,so i am  
> dialling from softphone/sip phone to stack , to see the response of  
> the stack for SIP application and also to prepare a log document .  
> However , i dont know how to run/start resiprocate stack .Because  
> nothing has mentioned in the documentation given on the site :  
> http://resiprocate.org . so please show me the way .
> please reply ,its urgent and very necessary.
>   Thank in advance .
> Regards
> Mehul shah
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