[reSIProcate] Blacklist result to DNS lookup causes 503 response to be sent to ACK

Robert Mansfield RJM at Redwoodtech.com
Thu Dec 20 11:49:39 CST 2007

Could someone comment on the following trace output? I'm tryting to test the
stack by calling in/out on the same IP address (local Back to Back).
STACK | 20071220-162926.812 | RT-SIP-00-20-07-5.bb.cc.dd.exe |
RESIP:TRANSACTION | 1852 | TransactionState.cxx:279 | No matching
transaction for SipReq:  ACK ivrC1P6 at
<mailto:ivrC1P6 at>  tid=28110a12ec64ae1d cseq=ACK / 1 from(tu)
STACK | 20071220-162926.812 | RT-SIP-00-20-07-5.bb.cc.dd.exe |
RESIP:TRANSACTION | 1852 | TransactionState.cxx:53 | Creating new
TransactionState: tid=28110a12ec64ae1d [ Stateless/Calling reliable target=[
V4 UNKNOWN_TRANSPORT target domain=unspecified connectionId=0 ]]
DEBUG | 20071220-162926.812 | RT-SIP-00-20-07-5.bb.cc.dd.exe |
RESIP:TRANSACTION | 1852 | TimerQueue.cxx:85 | Adding timer: Timer Stateless
tid=28110a12ec64ae1d ms=32000
STACK | 20071220-162926.812 | RT-SIP-00-20-07-5.bb.cc.dd.exe |
RESIP:TRANSACTION | 1852 | TransactionState.cxx:500 |
TransactionState::processStateless: SipReq:  ACK ivrC1P6 at
<mailto:ivrC1P6 at>  tid=28110a12ec64ae1d cseq=ACK / 1 from(tu)
STACK | 20071220-162926.812 | RT-SIP-00-20-07-5.bb.cc.dd.exe |
RESIP:TRANSACTION | 1852 | TransactionState.cxx:1738 | sendToWire with no
dns result: tid=28110a12ec64ae1d [ Stateless/Calling reliable target=[ V4 UNKNOWN_TRANSPORT target domain=unspecified connectionId=0 ]]
DEBUG | 20071220-162926.812 | RT-SIP-00-20-07-5.bb.cc.dd.exe |
RESIP:TRANSPORT | 1852 | TransportSelector.cxx:275 | Looking up dns entries
for sip:ivrC1P6 at
DEBUG | 20071220-162926.812 | RT-SIP-00-20-07-5.bb.cc.dd.exe | RESIP:DNS |
1852 | DnsResult.cxx:221 | DnsResult::lookup sip:ivrC1P6 at
DEBUG | 20071220-162926.812 | RT-SIP-00-20-07-5.bb.cc.dd.exe | RESIP:DNS |
1852 | DnsResult.cxx:412 | Numeric result, but this result is currently
blacklisted: [ V4 TCP target domain= connectionId=0
STACK | 20071220-162926.812 | RT-SIP-00-20-07-5.bb.cc.dd.exe |
RESIP:TRANSACTION | 1852 | TransactionState.cxx:1571 | tid=28110a12ec64ae1d
[ Stateless/Calling reliable target=[ V4 UNKNOWN_TRANSPORT target
domain=unspecified connectionId=0 ]] got DNS result: --> []
STACK | 20071220-162926.812 | RT-SIP-00-20-07-5.bb.cc.dd.exe | RESIP:DNS |
1852 | DnsResult.cxx:517 | Priming []
INFO | 20071220-162926.812 | RT-SIP-00-20-07-5.bb.cc.dd.exe |
RESIP:TRANSACTION | 1852 | TransactionState.cxx:1376 | Ran out of dns
entries for Send 503

Robert Mansfield

Senior Software Engineer

Redwood Technologies Limited

The Redwood Building, Broad Lane, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 9GU, U.K.

Registered in England No. 2817863

T +[44] (0)1344 304 344

F +[44] (0)1344 304 345

E rjm at redwoodtech.com <mailto:rjm at redwoodtech.com>    

W www.redwoodtech.com



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