[reSIProcate] When need to call ClientPagerMessage::end() ?

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Fri Dec 14 09:37:29 CST 2007

	You call end when you're done sending messages. ClientPagerMessage  
is designed to send more than one message in sequence (think of it as  
the client end of an IM chat).

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> After I send the message, when need to call ClientPagerMessage::end 
> () ? Or never need to call it ?
> thanks
>          ClientPagerMessageHandle cpmh = clientDum.makePagerMessage 
> (userAor);
>          auto_ptr<Contents> content(new PlainContents(Data 
> ("message")));
>          cpmh.get()->page(content);
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