[reSIProcate] releaseContents

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Thu Nov 8 18:50:26 CST 2007

	It looks like the memory will be freed when the exception is thrown,  
since the Contents object is put in an auto_ptr before checkParsed()  
is called. _However_, it does appear that we hold onto the pointer  
(mContents) if an exception is thrown. This is going to cause a  
double-free when the SipMessage is deleted. I will fix this immediately.

Best regards,
Byron Campen
> Hi
> I’m having a problem using the resiprocate stack. When I receive a  
> message with an sdp that can’t be parsed I’m using releaseContents  
> to free up the memory. The problem is that this function throws an  
> exception because of the incorrect sdp which means that I will leak  
> everytime this happens. Is there any other way to free up the  
> memory used by the sdp?
> Thanks,
> KJ
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