[reSIProcate] [PATCH] reSUBSCRIBE will fail if the server fails to send NOTIFY

Jason Fischl jason at counterpath.com
Tue Jan 23 17:09:34 CST 2007

I can just hear the incoming missile from Tekelec.

On 1/23/07, Adam Roach <adam at nostrum.com> wrote:
> Jason Fischl wrote:
> > I thought that we had discussed the correct behavior if a 2XX to the
> > SUBSCRIBE is received with no corresponding NOTIFY and decided that
> > the watcher should terminate the subscription in this case.
> And that is precisely what 3265bis *will* specify, as long as I am still
> alive.
> > I realize this won't interop well with ser. Any comments?
> I think I'll phrase my comment as "non-compliant implementations harm
> interoperability."
> It's not like 3265 is ambiguous on this point. SER simply did things
> willfully wrong.
> /a

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