[reSIProcate] Authentication failed

Sean yunjnz at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 10 02:26:46 CDT 2007

The following is the result for the given command:

#define __DBL_MIN_EXP__ (-1021)
#define __FLT_MIN__ 1.17549435e-38F
#define __CHAR_BIT__ 8
#define R3000 1
#define __WCHAR_MAX__ 2147483647
#define __DBL_DENORM_MIN__ 4.9406564584124654e-324
#define __FLT_EVAL_METHOD__ 0
#define __LANGUAGE_C 1
#define __DBL_MIN_10_EXP__ (-307)
#define __FINITE_MATH_ONLY__ 0
#define _MIPS_TUNE "r6000"
#define __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ 3
#define _ABIO32 1
#define __SHRT_MAX__ 32767
#define __LDBL_MAX__ 1.7976931348623157e+308L
#define __LANGUAGE_C__ 1
#define __linux 1
#define __unix 1
#define __LDBL_MAX_EXP__ 1024
#define __linux__ 1
#define __SCHAR_MAX__ 127
#define __USER_LABEL_PREFIX__ 
#define __STDC_HOSTED__ 1
#define __LDBL_HAS_INFINITY__ 1
#define __mips_fpr 32
#define __DBL_DIG__ 15
#define __FLT_EPSILON__ 1.19209290e-7F
#define __LDBL_MIN__ 2.2250738585072014e-308L
#define MIPSEB 1
#define __unix__ 1
#define __DECIMAL_DIG__ 17
#define __gnu_linux__ 1
#define __LDBL_HAS_QUIET_NAN__ 1
#define __GNUC__ 3
#define _R3000 1
#define __DBL_MAX__ 1.7976931348623157e+308
#define __DBL_HAS_INFINITY__ 1
#define _MIPS_ARCH_R6000 1
#define __DBL_MAX_EXP__ 1024
#define __R3000__ 1
#define __LONG_LONG_MAX__ 9223372036854775807LL
#define __GXX_ABI_VERSION 1002
#define __FLT_MIN_EXP__ (-125)
#define __MIPSEB__ 1
#define _MIPSEB 1
#define __DBL_MIN__ 2.2250738585072014e-308
#define _MIPS_ARCH "r6000"
#define __DBL_HAS_QUIET_NAN__ 1
#define _MIPS_TUNE_R6000 1
#define __REGISTER_PREFIX__ 
#define __NO_INLINE__ 1
#define __R3000 1
#define __FLT_MANT_DIG__ 24
#define __VERSION__ "3.4.3 (MontaVista
3.4.3- 2005-12-17)"
#define unix 1
#define __SIZE_TYPE__ unsigned int
#define __ELF__ 1
#define __FLT_RADIX__ 2
#define __LDBL_EPSILON__ 2.2204460492503131e-16L
#define _MIPS_SZPTR 32
#define __FLT_HAS_QUIET_NAN__ 1
#define __FLT_MAX_10_EXP__ 38
#define __LONG_MAX__ 2147483647L
#define __FLT_HAS_INFINITY__ 1
#define _mips 1
#define linux 1
#define _MIPS_SZINT 32
#define __LDBL_MANT_DIG__ 53
#define __MIPSEB 1
#define __WCHAR_TYPE__ int
#define __pic__ 1
#define __FLT_DIG__ 6
#define __INT_MAX__ 2147483647
#define mips 1
#define __FLT_MAX_EXP__ 128
#define _MIPS_SIM _ABIO32
#define __DBL_MANT_DIG__ 53
#define __mips__ 1
#define __WINT_TYPE__ unsigned int
#define __LDBL_MIN_EXP__ (-1021)
#define _MIPS_FPSET 16
#define __LDBL_MAX_10_EXP__ 308
#define __DBL_EPSILON__ 2.2204460492503131e-16
#define __FLT_DENORM_MIN__ 1.40129846e-45F
#define __PIC__ 1
#define __FLT_MAX__ 3.40282347e+38F
#define LANGUAGE_C 1
#define __FLT_MIN_10_EXP__ (-37)
#define _LANGUAGE_C 1
#define __GNUC_MINOR__ 4
#define __DBL_MAX_10_EXP__ 308
#define __LDBL_DENORM_MIN__ 4.9406564584124654e-324L
#define __mips_hard_float 1
#define __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ int
#define __mips 2
#define _MIPS_SZLONG 32
#define __LDBL_MIN_10_EXP__ (-307)
#define __LDBL_DIG__ 15

By the way, I didn't find any definitions related to
BigEndian, MIPSEB? or _MIPS_ARCH_R6000?
hope the information is helpful.

Best regards,

--- Alan Hawrylyshen <alan at polyphase.ca> wrote:

> Can you post the output of the following command
> using the compiler  
> that generates the code for your target boards /
> hosts.
> gcc -E -dM - < /dev/null
> That should work on a Unix / Linux box or even in
> cygwin. The -dM  
> should tell us all the predefined symbols
> (preprocessor) that we can  
> troll through to extend the endian dependent
> detection in vmd5.?xx.  
> That way you won't have to manually specify the
> endianess. I think it  
> might be worth having the configure phase do this,
> but then you get  
> into the target vs compile host problem.
> Thanks
> Alan
> On 9-Oct-07, at 20:08 , Sean wrote:
> > A good news,
> > just now I defined _BIG_ENDIAN in vmd5.cxx,
> > and it works, the authentication is successful,
> > BTW, I'm using Toshiba 4939 as the platform,
> > it's 64-bit Big-endian.
> >
> > Thanks a lot and best regards,
> > Sean.
> Alan Hawrylyshen
> a l a n a t p o l y p h a s e d o t c a

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