[reSIProcate] Can sip ACK be used for Register response

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at polyphase.ca
Tue May 1 09:47:48 CDT 2007

On 27-Apr-2007, at 14:42 , Yuan, Frank wrote:
> phone.  So I wonder if SIP ACK could be used for Register response  
> since LINKSYS SIPURA phone is very popular and could not make this  
> kind of silly mistake.

I have to admit that it is surprising to see this, but it is NOT  
legal. The stack should discard the ACK. I've seen the odd load in  
the last 6 years from reputable companies that make very silly and  
strange mistakes - they are typically correctly quickly.

I agree with Robert - if at all possible, isolate this UA to confirm  
that NOTHING else (b2bua, alg, etc) is in the signaling path and  
creating the trace you are seeing. If you can do this, then in my  
opinion, you have confirmed a bug in the Linksys PAP2 UA firmware.

Best of luck,

Alan Hawrylyshen

a l a n a t p o l y p h a s e d o t c a

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