[reSIProcate] sipdial demo app added to svn

Adam Roach adam at nostrum.com
Mon Feb 26 10:37:02 CST 2007

I notice that the README for this sample app points people to a couple 
of SIP proxies (such as SER) without mentioning resip's own repro.

This tells me that the website apparently must not do a very good job of 
pointing out that the resiprocate project *includes* a proxy, which is 
far more compliant to the relevant specifications than others available 
for free.

Any ideas for changes that might raise this visibility? Daniel: what 
would have made *you* notice the resiprocate project's proxy?


Daniel Pocock wrote:
> I've just added my SIP dialer demo app to svn under apps/sipdial - it
> allows you to force your IP phone to dial a SIP URI or tel: URI.  It links
> to Mozilla/Firefox and other desktop apps through gconf, and it can be
> linked into other applications too.
> I'll be using this as part of the presentation at FOSDEM tommorrow.
> If anyone sees anything wrong with it, please let me know.
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