[reSIProcate] No end-double-quote (RDQUOT) in multi-value fields silently dropped

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Wed Jun 13 15:59:15 CDT 2007

> 4) Consequence
> The consequence is that this now renders the state:
> 'sHalfLineBreakInQuotesInNValue' obsolete/unreachable. And you can  
> no longer
> do this:
> Warning: 399 devnull "bad happened\r\n
>         in SDP of\r\n
> your INVITE"\r\n
> I'm no grammar expert, but is breaking such HFV above legal ??

Yes, this is legal, provided there is whitespace before the "in SDP of 
\r\n" and "your INVITE\r\n".

Best regards,
Byron Campen

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