[reSIProcate] About onOfferAccept and onOfferReject callback

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Mon Dec 3 08:12:45 CST 2007

	onOfferRejected() is called when the other end rejects an offer that  
you sent; for example INVITE->488, or UPDATE->488. There is no  
onOfferAcepted() callback, perhaps you are thinking of the  
onOfferRequired() callback (this is called when the other endpoint  
has solicited an offer by sending an offerless INVITE).

	If you're not clear on the whole offer-answer thing, a good  
introduction is draft-ietf-sipping-offeranswer-04

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> Hi, I don't know when will be fired the onOfferAccept and when will  
> be fired the onOfferReject, I have read the comment , but I'm  
> puzzled, please
> help me, thanks
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