[reSIProcate] Issue calling end() in onNewSession

Robert Sparks rjsparks at nostrum.com
Thu Feb 15 09:19:52 CST 2007

partial response inline.

On Feb 14, 2007, at 10:32 PM, Jay Hogg wrote:

> For some testing I'm doing I want to terminate a dialog on the first
> non-100 message I receive, to accomplish this I put a cis->end() in  
> the
> onNewSession handler for client invite sessions.
> When a 18x message is received I see the BYE message generated  
> (when in
> debug) immediately followed by a segment violation.
>> From everything I've read on the list I should be able to call end 
>> () at
> any time once the dialog is created and the appropriate message  
> will be
> generated/deferred as necessary. I was also surprised to see BYE  
> instead
> of CANCEL since the dialog is not connected.
The BYE allows you to terminate just the leg associated with that  
without tearing down any other legs due to fork that might still be  
in progress.
A CANCEL removes all of them.

If CANCEL is what you really wanted, there's a different call to make.

> Linux, svn head, dum/test/BasicCall.cxx - simply add a variable to
> ClientInviteSession and cis->end() to see it. I can provide logs if
> necessary.
> Did I miss something in how I should handle an immediate termination?
> Jay
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