[reSIProcate] Privacy header parsing

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Mon Dec 17 13:22:59 CST 2007

	Yuck. We will need to come up with a new ParserCategory (or even  
LazyParser, since Privacy header-field-values don't have params) for  
this express purpose. I'll put this in bugzilla.

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> All,
> I think the 'Privacy' header is parsed incorrectly.
> We had some problems with the following header:-
> "Privacy: user;id"
> When I try to extract to individual tokens I get a c++ exception.
> It looks like resip expects the values to be comma delimited,  
> however the specification (RFC 3323) has semi colon delimiters.
> Rob.
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