[reSIProcate] Call disconnect due to re-invite timeout

Mayur mninama at varaha.com
Wed Jul 25 03:55:07 CDT 2007


    I have a B2B based on resiprocate-1.1 sip stack. I am facing a problem
of call disconnect because of re-invite timeout. The call flow is given

DUM updates the remote party contact on getting a re-invite (message 4). But
DUM does not cancel/redirect any previous request (message 1) sent by it. I
believe DUM should atleast ignore any response of re-INVITE in such case.

Can someone provide inputs to how this can be resolved?


        B2BUA           client-A

          |                 |

          |                 |

          |                 |

          |(1) re-INVITE    |


          |(2) REGISTER(new IP address)


          |(3) 200 OK       |


          |(4) re-INVITE (from new IP)


          |(5) 491 Request Pending


          |(6) ACK          |


          |(7) re-INVITE (retransmission to old IP of client-A)


          |Call disconnect due to timeout of

          |                 |

          |re-INVITE to client-A

          |                 |



Mayur Ninama,

Sr Software Engg.

Varaha Systems


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