[reSIProcate] repro: memory leak when compiling in VS.2005

Karl Mutch kmutch at sonimtech.com
Fri Jun 15 10:06:44 CDT 2007

Have you tried installing VS 2005 Service Pack 1 of the Compiler and the Runtime ? You will need to install the SP 1 for the Runtime Distributable on all machines compiling and running the code.

	-----Original Message----- 
	From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.resiprocate.org on behalf of Boris Rozinov 
	Sent: Fri 6/15/2007 4:26 AM 
	To: resiprocate-devel at list.resiprocate.org 
	Subject: [reSIProcate] repro: memory leak when compiling in VS.2005

	Repro gave significant memory leak when I switched to
	VS.2005. I didn't have such problem when compiling in
	VS.2003. I am running resip release 1.1. Probably
	somebody else encountered the same problem? What could
	be the solution?
	Boris Rozinov
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