[reSIProcate] Bug in handleBadRequest

Scott Godin slgodin at icescape.com
Tue Mar 13 11:57:29 CDT 2007



Looking at Roberts problem, I noticed the following - probably why we
can't figure out why the 400.  I suspect the 400 is due to a bad content
length - but fixing this will help determine.





error->getReason should read badReg->getReason



TransactionState::handleBadRequest(const resip::SipMessage& badReq,
TransactionController& controller)


   assert(badReq.isRequest() && badReq.method() != ACK);



      SipMessage* error = Helper::makeResponse(badReq,400);

      error->header(h_StatusLine).reason()+="(" + error->getReason() +

      Tuple target(badReq.getSource());



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