[reSIProcate] DUM: Detecting Stale Re-Invites
Byron Campen
bcampen at estacado.net
Mon Oct 1 14:39:56 CDT 2007
We won't get a 408 if the other end sends a provisional.
Best regards,
Byron Campen
> I may have misunderstood but why do we need a timer at all? Can't we
> just tear down the dialog with a BYE if we receive a 408 to the
> On 10/1/07, Scott Godin <slgodin at icescape.com> wrote:
>> DUM currently has a mechanism to detect stale initial client invite
>> sessions, ie. those that receive a provisional response, but never
>> a final
>> response. We do this by starting a Stale call timer and tearing
>> the usage
>> down if it fires.
>> We do NOT have a similar mechanism for re-INVITES
>> Consider the following scenario:
>> - We have an established Invite Session
>> - The remote UA goes "offline"
>> - DUM sends a re-INVITE request (either user initiated or
>> session
>> timer refresh)
>> - The stack receives a 100 Trying from the first hop
>> proxy – so we
>> will never see a 408 generated to DUM.
>> - DUM is now stuck in the SentReInvite state.
>> - Calling end(), causes a transition into the
>> WaitingToTerminate
>> state, where we will wait forever for the final response to the
>> reInvite
>> request.
>> - Apparently calling end() a second time, will cleanup
>> the usage,
>> but this means the application must be responsible for this, and
>> it is not
>> very clean
>> Note: mid-dialog non-INVITE transitions will always see a 408 if
>> no final
>> response is seen.
>> I propose we add a ReInviteStaleCall timer to the DUM state
>> machine in order
>> to be able recover better from this situation. The timer can be
>> relatively
>> short (say 32seconds) since this is a re-INVITE and a final
>> response is
>> expected to be fast.
>> 1. Timer is started when we send a re-INVITE.
>> 2. Time is effectively stopped when we get a final response
>> to the
>> re-INVITE.
>> 3. If timer fires in the SentReInvite or WaitingToTerminate
>> states,
>> then we continue to send a BYE and tear down the usage.
>> Make sense?
>> Scott
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