[reSIProcate] Make system problem

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Fri Oct 5 14:45:12 CDT 2007

	This isn't happening on my machine. Do you have a variable in your  
CXXFLAGS? I can see that evaluating to different things in the code  
you're pointing to, maybe. What kind of stuff is in your CXXFLAGS var?

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> I hit a fairly heinous makefile issue recently.  If you have  
> CXXFLAGS or CFLAGS set as an environment variable, the cxxflags in  
> the obj.debug... directory is rebuilt every compile, which causes a  
> complete rebuild of all files.
> The issue is most likely in makefile.post:
> ifeq ($(CXXFLAGS),$(shell test -f $(OBJ)/cxxflags && cat $(OBJ)/ 
> cxxflags))
> else
> .PHONY: $(OBJ)/cxxflags
> endif
> I don't speak make so I don't know how to fix it...is $CXXFLAGS  
> colliding with the bash environment variable?
> Also, the repro executable always rebuilds.  There doesn't seem to  
> be dependency generation for TARGET_BINARY.  Does it just need the  
> same rule for dependency generation that TESTPROGRAM has in   
> Makefile.post?
> -Derek
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