[reSIProcate] Server outage expected, exact time unknown: Friday (Oct 12)

Philip Kizer pckizer at nostrum.com
Tue Oct 9 15:36:29 CDT 2007

We have received notification from our provider that they will be  
performing some maintenance on the power to the rack three days from  
now.  We do not have an exact time, though, so we can provide no  
better details than what they have provided:

	Date:	2007, October 12
	Time:	07:00 - 16:00 US/Central
	Affected: www.resiprocate.org, svn.resiprocate.org,  

 From another server to which they have already performed this  
maintenance, I can at least tell you to expect an outage of  
approximately 30 minutes if all goes as it did for the other one,  
though it could obviously be longer if problems arise.

I am adding a page for outages at <https://www.resiprocate.org/ 
Outage> and updating the main page <http://www.resiprocate.org/> to  
link to it as well.  I will post any changes (including completion  
notice) that might occur.


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