[reSIProcate] To start with

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Wed Apr 18 08:17:47 CDT 2007

	Well, the best place to start would probably be the wiki at  
www.resiprocate.org. You'll want to go over the basics for the  
reSIProcate stack first. Then, if you're doing anything that is  
Dialog-stateful, you'll want to look at DUM. The rutil/test, resip/ 
stack/test, and resip/dum/test directories all have a lot of example  
code in them, and this is probably the best way to get an idea of how  
to use the code.

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> Hi all,
> I have coded in Java Jain SIP and I would like to start coding SIP  
> with C++. And finally I decided to start with resiprocate, since it  
> is the ONLY ACTIVE C++ sip stack available with lively support.
> Can any one of you please let me know where/how to start with.
> Thanks,
> Ramsundar
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