[reSIProcate] Best way to handle ServerSubscriptions?

Matthias Moetje moetje at terasens.com
Mon Oct 8 08:16:38 CDT 2007



I am currently trying to find the best way to track and update ServerSubscriptions. In order to perform updates I need to be able to find all subscriptions which are matching a certain key (AOR).

I am thinking about the following two concepts:


1.       Keep my own map of ServerSubscriptions. Add to the map on createAppDialogSet and remove from the map when the dialogset is destroyed

2.       Rely on the list that is kept by dum (mServerSubscriptions) and use mDum.mServerSubscriptions.equal_range(key) to retrieve all subscriptions matching a certain AOR


The problem with 1 is that it creates additional overhead. The problem with 2 is that mServerSubscriptions is a private member of DialogUsageManager. There is a function findServerSubscription but is takes a DialogId as a parameter, so this doesn't help much.


What should I do? Should I add a function  findServerSubscriptions(Data key) to DialogUsageManager?



Best regards,

Freundliche Grüße,


Matthias Moetje 


Augustenstraße 24
80333 Munich



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