[reSIProcate] Documentation push

Emmanuel BUU emmanuel.buu at ives.fr
Mon Jan 29 12:31:37 CST 2007

Yes and no.

IMHO, the lack of interest in reSIProcate comes also from the fact that 
the stack is not embedded in visible end-user oriented projects that are 
directly usable by network administrator or the end-users. I have the 
impression that most of reSIProcate clients software programmers like 
myself that find a convenient software for commercial or academic projects.

Also for an outsider, the distinction between DUM and the stack is 
unclear. If the idea is that DUM should always be used, it shoud be 
advertised and the Stack should be treated as an internal component. 
Alternatively, if Stack is to be used, use case and sample code should 
be provided.

So yes, doc needs to be improved but also participation in a SIP related 
open source project that is useful for end user would be interesting.

    * On the server side, there are a lot of projects (Free PBX,
      Asterix, SER, Open Ser , ....)
    * On the user agent side, most of the project are using eXoSIP.

I know one opportunity : Asterisk does not currently support TCP nor 
TLS. There is a project called pinapple. It's not moving very fast. One 
could undertake the task to rewrite chan_sip.c using the Stack to bring 
these capabilities. Properly advertized, this would give some visibility 
to the reSIPprocate project.

Maybe there is another opportunity to embed the Stack or DUM in an open 
source user agent but we have to find out the value added.

Another idea would be to build a flexible appliation server by embedding 
PHP 5 engine on top of DUM so application developpers could develop SIP 
applicaton in PHP.

Just my 2 euro cents.

Emmanuel BUU

Byron Campen a écrit :
>     In thinking about things that we can do to boost interest in the 
> resiprocate project, I have come to the conclusion that the primary 
> barrier to entry is the quality/quantity of documentation. Are there 
> others that agree with this assessment?
> Best regards,
> Byron Campen
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