[reSIProcate] Adding a new parameter to a header

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Fri Apr 27 12:23:43 CDT 2007

	We only have partial support; the header-types only, and I don't  
think these header-types are specialized in any way (the header-field- 
values are just treated as tokens). We don't support the ipsec-3gpp  
stuff in the Appendix. It would be easy enough to add this though.

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> Where does it say that we support RFC3329? I don't think we support
> anything other than the required parameters.
> On 4/27/07, Purna Chandar M <purnachandar.m at gmail.com> wrote:
>> O dear..... I didnt know that we need to have a tool namely gperf.  
>> Now, I
>> got it installed and was succesfully send the required params in the
>> REGISTER message. Thanks for the help.
>> One more thing, resiprocate, having supporting RFC3329, why aren't  
>> the
>> tokens for these headers provided??
>> On 4/27/07, Byron Campen <bcampen at estacado.net> wrote:
>>> Do you have gperf installed?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Byron Campen
>>> Hi,
>>> Im a newbie to the list.
>>> Resiprocate claims to support RFC3329; but I was not able to spot  
>>> the
>> access tokens to access parameters like alg, spi-c, spi-s, etc  
>> that go along
>> with the Security-Client header in REGISTER message. I myself  
>> tried to add
>> the params using the doc given at:
>>> http://www.resiprocate.org/Adding_a_new_parameter
>>> After doing this, the stack doesn't compile and gives the  
>>> following error:
>>> make[1]: Entering directory
>> `/home/purna/resip27_04/resip/stack'
>>> gperf -v > /dev/null 2>&1 && gperf -D --enum -E -L C++ -t -k '*'
>> --compare-strncmp -Z `echo ParameterHash | sed -e 's/.*\///'`
>> ParameterHash.gperf | \
>>> sed -e 's/str\[\([0-9][0-9]*\)\]/tolower(str[\1])/g' | \
>>> sed -e 's/^\([  ]*\)if *(\*\([a-z][a-z]*\) *== *\*\([a-z][a-z]*\)  
>>> *\&\&
>> *!strncmp *(\([^)]*\)).*/\1if (tolower(*\2) == *\3 \&\& ! 
>> strncasecmp( \4
>> ))/g' | \
>>> sed -e 's/\*str ==/tolower(*str) ==/' | \
>>> sed -e 's/\!strncmp/\!strncasecmp/'  > ParameterHash.cxx
>>> make[1]: *** [ParameterHash.cxx] Error 127
>>> make[1]: Leaving directory
>> `/home/purna/resip27_04/resip/stack'
>>> make: *** [resiprocate] Error 2
>>> What I am clearly missing is, the updation of the gperf hash  
>>> description
>> files and running the test drivers(as pointed out by the doc in  
>> above link).
>> But the documentation doesnot clearly say how to do this. Did  
>> anyone happen
>> to add a new param to a header. If yes, please let me know the  
>> procedure.
>>> Thanks and regards,
>>> Purna Chandar M
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