[reSIProcate] how to start

mehul shah linuxmehul at gmail.com
Thu Jan 25 06:20:42 CST 2007

hi friends,

                             i am developing media server , for that i need
a stack that support PBX features . i have installed
resiprocate-0.9.0-5019. Now , i want to test this stack ,so i am
dialling from softphone/sip phone
to stack , to see the response of the stack for SIP application and also to
prepare a log document . However , i dont know how to run/start resiprocate
stack .Because nothing has mentioned in the documentation given on the site
: http://resiprocate.org . so please show me the way .
please reply ,its urgent and very necessary.
  Thank in advance .

Mehul shah
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