[reSIProcate] Heads up: resiprocate-users mailing list

Robert Sparks rjsparks at nostrum.com
Mon Jul 2 14:04:40 CDT 2007

Folks -

As the number of people using the resiprocate project grows, it's  
making more sense to have
a separate list for questions like "how do I do the following thing  
using resiprocate" and "what
changes do we make to the implementation of the stack itself".

This list (resiprocate-devel) is the right place to keep discussion  
about the internals of the project,
how we're going to change it, and coordinating releases.

A new mailing list (resiprocate-users) will be the place to ask the  
questions that come up as you
develop applications that _use_ the project.

We'll get the new list set up in the next day or so. Anyone  
subscribed to this list will be auto-subscribed
to the new one. Watch for the welcome message.



More information about the resiprocate-devel mailing list