[reSIProcate] Packaging for Debian

Daniel Pocock daniel at readytechnology.co.uk
Mon Feb 26 10:29:29 CST 2007

> A quick summary:
> Name			Copyright				Licence			Problematic
> ----			---------				-------			-----------
> sipdial			Daniel Pocock			none			Yes

Could someone elaborate on this for me - when I contribute source files 
and/or patches to reSIProcate, I assume I retain copyright in those.  Is 
there any intention to pool the IP rights into any single organisation, 
or for everyone to simply retain copyright in their contributions?

I will add the Vovida license info to sipdial.

> repro			Vovida Networks, Inc	VSL, 1.0		No
> stack			Vovida Networks, Inc	VSL, 1.0		No
> rutil			Vovida Networks, Inc	VSL, 1.0		No
> tfm				PurpleComm, Inc			BSD 3-clause	No
> build-system	Unknown					none			Yes
> In summary: sipdial and the build system need a licence, or they're not
> distributable. If the copyright of the others could also be checked,
> that'd be great :)
> 2) Embedded code copies
Are these standard, or have any patches been applied?
> contrib/db, contrib/getopt, contrib/pcre and contrib/popt don't seem to
> be used at all, and can probably be removed.
I think some of these are for other platforms.

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