[reSIProcate] [PATCH] Add more and better salt values to callid computation

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Tue Jan 23 15:21:59 CST 2007

	We should determine whether openssl has this problem. If it does  
not, we could avoid this extra work when we have compiled with  
openssl. I do agree that we need to patch the code to generate a  
longer sequence of hex digits (or, at the very least, make it  

Anyone know off the top of their head whether openssl has this  
reentrancy problem?

Also, it would take a lot less CPU to just append the raw bits to the  
hostAndSalt than to do an int-to-string(Data) conversion.

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> The following patch address several issues. The first is a multi- 
> thread, multi-cpu race condition with the current callid. If you  
> have several separate instances of dum, the same call-id can be  
> computed on a multicore/processor machine. To solve this, the patch  
> adds process and thread-id to the salt value.
> The process / thread id is currently implemented on Win32, Apple,  
> and Linux. On linux, getpid() returns a different value for each  
> thread. The other platforms use the respective calls for getting  
> the process id and thread id. I did not implement other platforms  
> since I don’t have access to them.
> To address other concerns that the call-id does not contain enough  
> randomness the patch increases the number of hex digits chosen to  
> 16. This should massively reduce the collision space of call-ids as  
> people have reported on the mailing list previously.
> Aron Rosenberg
> SightSpeed Inc.
> http://www.sightspeed.com
> <resiprocate_thread_random_callid.diff>
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